Monday, September 2, 2024

Timpani allo Spiedo è tornato (di nuovo)!

E dopo 3 anni che non si pubblicava niente su queste pagine virtuali, rieccoci qua.

Ma rieccoci qua per dirvi semplicemente che, come sanno i più informati fra voi, Timpani allo Spiedo è tornato a pieno regime sotto forma di fanzine cartacea, il cui primo numero è uscito nel novembre 2023.

E da oggi questo primo numero è in free download sul blog. Lo potete scaricare semplicemente cliccando sulla stessa copertina messa qui a fianco a destra. Se non la vedete perché state usando il cellulare, scorrete fino alla fine del blog e cliccate su "View web version". In ogni caso, aspettatevi 58 pagine in formato A4 piene di vari contenuti, fra cui recensioni, interviste, articoli di approfondimento, e anche disegni.

Nel frattempo, nel maggio 2024 abbiamo pubblicato il secondo numero, che probabilmente renderemo anch'esso disponibile al download, ma più avanti. Per il momento, ne è rimasta ancora qualche copia. Contattateci se interessati all'acquisto.

Potete contattarci anche attraverso la pagina Instagram, che viene aggiornata costantemente con nuovi contenuti, raggiungibile al seguente link:

Detto ciò, scaricate la fanza e BUONA LETTURA!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Benvenuti all'Inferno!: una recensione pubblicata in origine su FaceBook!

Anche se Timpani allo Spiedo è ufficialmente inattiva, oggi pubblico un nuovo articolo, che però non è altro che la recensione di "Benvenuti all'Inferno!" che il mio fratello gemello e amicone Davide De Vito mi ha fatto a inizio anno su FaceBook. Aspettatevi una recensione-fiume, quindi lunghissima, ultra-dettagliata e anche molto obiettiva. Quindi, non posso che augurarvi buona lettura!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Timpani allo Spiedo: the end

Today the experience of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine is over.
Sometime ago I explained the reasons leading to its end. Here I am going only to say that I've lost interest in the 'zine, and I feel I said everything I wanted and more. But I am proud of putting up an adventure lasted even 11 years. Thanks to it, I met many awesome bands but also many fantastic people, and with some of them I established great friendships, also recently. But I think also that Timpani would not have become what it is without the support it received throughout these years.
So, I thank all the collaborators I had, also those that the life divided us for some reasons.
I thank all the bands, the labels, the promotion agencies, the promoters and the managers that sent me their stuff, also giving me some t-shirts or stickers.
Thanks to all the people that participated in this adventure, also by answering to simple interviews.
And thanks to all those that, in a way or another, supported Timpani allo Spiedo, even by doing some donations or, simply, by sharing some articles somewhere.
Now, maybe I'll resume, in the future, the 'zine but, for the moment, the experience ends today and I am convinced of my decision. It's time to do new things, it's time of new projects, it's time of changes.
So, don't feel bad. Also because every ending is always a new beginning.

Thank you for all,


P.S.: in the pic there is a lot of stuff that was expressively sent for Timpani allo Spiedo. If I remember well, "Underground 'n' Roll" by Devastator has been the very first promo that, centuries ago, was sent to me. Even today I am used to listen to it with pleasure.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Come on, burn my ears! #14 (the final playlist)

And so, this is the very last episode of "Come on, burn my ears!", the main playlist of Timpani allo Spiedo!
This is a really special episode because, in it, I included the entire story of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine, from its first number released through email in the far 2008 to this day. So, all the 31 bands featured represent, in a way or another, key pieces in the story of the 'zine.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #43: Esimere/Sarmat/Inhumanity Vortex/Kat

Hey futuristicmetalpunkers,
this is the very last episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" and one of the very last new articles on Timpani allo Spiedo zine. It is about 4 bands, one Italian and the other 3 from Poland, as usual in these last times. In fact, Timpani allo Spiedo, during these days, became in practice a webzine a lot focused on the Polish metal, and this is very curious.
Anyway, let's go to discover the bands... and see you soon with a surprise!

Friday, July 30, 2021

Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #42: Gasoline Guns/Sandbreaker/Ulcer/Faeces/The Black Thunder

Hey motordoomdeathmetallers,
this is the very last episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" dedicated to the releases I received from Mythrone Promotion. In fact, the albums contained in this episode all belong to the last pack that Mythrone sent to me one month ago circa.
All the bands in this article are Polish, except the Gasoline Guns, as you'll see soon. In addition, all the albums were released in 2021 in co-production by Defense Records and Mythrone Promotion, also in collaboration with other labels like Free Joy Stereo, as in the case of the Sandbreaker.
I advise that the next episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" will be the last one because, as I explained, Timpani allo Spiedo is going to end its activities.
And now, thanking Marcin of Mythrone Prom to sending me all these awesome albums throughout these years, let's go to discover the bands!