mercoledì 14 febbraio 2018

Midnight - "Sweet Death and Ecstasy" (Hells Headbangers Records, 2017)

Band: Midnight
Title: Sweet Death and Ecstasy
Genre: Heavy/Black/Speed Metal with Punkish vibes
Year: 20th October 2017
Time: 32 min
Rating: 83/100

Midnight are BACK! After the "Shox of Violence" compilation (reviewed by me some months ago) and the curious charity release "I Don't Need Society" destined to help the victims of the Hurricane Harvey by donating all the profits of this EP to the Red Cross, the Cleveland one-man sleazy squad Midnight recently released the long-held third album "Sweet Death and Ecstasy" obviously through Hells Headbangers Rec. No other bullshits and let's go already to discover this new full-lenght!