mercoledì 1 aprile 2020

Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #19: Anifernyen/Humanart/Ruach Raah

Hey brutalbangers,
I remember that once Portugal seemed to not have so many good bands, and one can say that its only relevant band was Moonspell  and that's it. But, during these last years, its metal scene exploded a lot, exposing very talented bands especially in the black metal (Black Circle, anyone?) and thrash metal genres, and many of them, like Toxik Attack or Black Cilice, are now definitely into my insatiable heart of metalhead always ready to fall in love with fresh music.
So, needless to say, this new episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" (no reviews, no votes, only "honorable mentions") is entirely focused on some of the 2019 Portuguese black metal albums that I received during these last months. So, you'll have other amazing stuff to listen to in this time of forced quarantine.