mercoledì 3 gennaio 2018

Stige - "The Wasteland" (Xenoglossy Productions, 2017)

Band: Stige
Title: The Wastelands
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 8th December 2017
Time: 12 min
Rating: 75/100
Due to problems involving with my job and other fucks, today finally I had the possibility to write this new review. Today I will write a review about this EP “The Wasteland” by Stige.

First of all, this work will isn’t to be confused with another project with the same name because this is in PURE and FUCKING BLACK METAL!

Let’s look at it more in detail. Stige is an Italian black metal project coming from Tuscany, precisely from the small town Sesto Fiorentino near Florence where was born in 2013. As many other black metal projects, behind this as well hides only one person. He is named Warrior, that plays all the instruments and write all the songs. In spite of his young age, this man is very active and is involved in various projects since 2011. At present times he started another project as one man band named Aisna (ex-Februus), particularly concerning in Etruscan paganism.