lunedì 8 ottobre 2018

Go! Fest 8 (Rome, 29th September 2018)

Bands: Crisis Benoit/Dr. Gore/Igioia/Neid/Faršas/Riistetyt/Lugubrious Children/Reproach/Failure/Scheletro/Maxcarnage
Date: 29th September 2018
Location: CSOA Spartaco
Price: 7 €

Do you remember that I mentioned in a live report of some months ago the 8th edition of Go! Fest, an International festival specialized on grindcore/power violence? Well, Go! Fest 8 was a fantastic experience and this is the live report about it! 12 bands on stage, plenty of wild moshing heads (included some also coming from USA!), good friends, a lot of mad moments, some distros with their own stuff, a nice sensation of unity between the attendants and the bands, and a sound engineer throughout the entire fest like Daniel Casari from Tibia and Onryo: this has been, in brief, Go! Fest 8! But now let's go to discover in the details what was happened during this festival in which the speed in its purest form reigns tyranically!