martedì 22 dicembre 2020

Culto del Cargo - "Memorie in lingua morta" (Self-released, 2020)

Culto del Cargo
Title: Memorie in lingua morta
Genre: Crust Punk/D-Beat
Time: 21.30 min
Release date: 5th September 2020
Vote: 95/100

Hey crust punkers,
after the strange Austrian blacksters Tristwood, Francesco Bazzurri has listened, in these days, to an album that has nothing to do with extreme metal: "Memorie in lingua morta". It is the self-released debut album of Culto del Cargo, a quartet from the Northern Italy born in 2010 that I knew many years ago through, when they released their first demo in 2011. Playing an hammering crust punk/d-beat that leaves no breath in any cases to the listeners, this album is very interesting. But now I suggest you to read the review by Francesco so to understand better why it's so interesting. Hence, enjoy his article!


Hi, extreme metal lovers!
Few days ago, I was reading an old book, printed in 70’s, titled “Near future Middle Age”, written by a visionary engineer who prophesise about global overshooting and damages caused by a global wicked politics. So, I was thinking about a possible soundtrack for this work and I choose the good old crust punk! The reason is simple: when you may say directly something, crust punk has no equals. See Doom or Tragedy. But, speaking about affinity between the book and this kind of music, most representative band are, without a doubt, the Italian Culto del Cargo with the album "Memorie in lingua morta".