Title: Slain: Back from Hell
Genre: Videogame
Release date: 25th March 2016
Vote: 76/100
3 months ago I finally opened the videogames section with
Valfaris, and today I'm going to review its prequel:
Slain: Back from Hell. It was originally released on
25th March 2016 but, after an amazing
launch trailer, it
disappointed everyone for some features programmed badly. For the truth, I never played this unripe version simply named "
Slain!", so I have no clue on how it was bad but the fact is that the developers,
Steel Mantis, rolled up their sleeves so to release, after some months, a
better version of the game, aptly entitled "
Slain: Back from Hell". The game, even though still not close to perfection, was
a lot improved, and it isn't a case if the new reception was
good. And today also
Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine says
its word about this
sanguinary piece of (metal) art!