mercoledì 26 luglio 2017

Inferno - "Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension and Involution)" (World Terror Committee, 2017)

Band: Inferno
Title: Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension and Involution)
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 4th April 2017
Time: 45 min circa
Rating: 82/100

I think I read everything about the last album of Inferno also because it looks to me that there are no half-measures for it. In fact, some exalted it to the maximum while others blame Inferno to abandoning their original sound so to play the "fashioned" religious black metal à la Deathspell Omega, as if every band have to play in the same way throughout its musical career without experimenting new and maybe more stimulating solutions. But I say that Inferno, that recently was in South Italy for the Evil Fest, have the absolute right to experiment new solutions because they are a veteran Czech band formed even in 1996 that, guided since their early days by the singer Adramalech and passing through many line-up changes, shows now an interminable discography consisted, for example, of 16 splits, 5 live albums and 7 studio albums, included this "Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension and Involution)", released by World Terror Committee, a label which love to support the so-called religious black metal of bands like Ascension, Fides Inversa, Acherontas and others. So, let's start this trip through an album full of occult-esoteric mysteries, and all this by a band once known for its feral and pagan black metal completely sung in Czech language.