giovedì 23 gennaio 2020

Pressure Pact - "Scared Off the Streets" (Wolves of Hades Records, 2019)

Band: Pressure Pact
Title: Scared Off the Streets
Genre: Hardcore Punk with many different influences
Time: 20.23 min
Release date: 6th December 2019
Vote: 80/100

Hey brutalbangers,
this is the new fantastic review of Marta Rose!
This time she had to do with "Scared Off the Streets", the debut album of a very interesting and also intense band from the Netherlands called Pressure Pact. Released by Wolves of Hades Records, a particular Dutch label that ranges from the most brutal black metal forms to post-punk, and sent me by the Italian promotion agency Anubi Press, "Scared Off the Streets" offers many surprises and it isn't a case if Marta enjoyed it a lot! In addition, some of its songs seem to homage bands of the past since one of them is curiously entitled as "Stark Raving Mad", as just one of the first fastcore acts of all times.
But now let's see what she has to say!