domenica 29 aprile 2018

Anima Damnata - "Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast" (Godz ov War Prod/Malignant Voices, 2017)

Band: Anima Damnata
Title: Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast
Genre: Brutal Black/Death Metal with Bestial influences
Year: 29th October 2017
Time: 41 min
Rating: 83/100

It took 10 looong years to Anima Damnata to create a third album after their second opus released in the now far 2007 under Morbid Moon Records. Written between 2009 and 2015 and produced by M. from Mgla, "Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast" (it's incredible but every fukken album by Anima Damnata has a really fukken kilometric title!), a powerful comeback for a band that completely deserve to be into the ultra-extreme roster of the Polish Godz ov War Prod, that published their third opus along with their compatriot label Malignant Voices.