sabato 18 maggio 2013

Radioactive Vomit - "Witchblood" (2012)

Demo (Serpents Head Reprisal, January 11th 2012)

Line – up:       The Inverted Hierophant and Gasmask Fornicator – vocals;
                        The Nocturnal Black Adept in Psychotic States – guitars/vocals;
                        Desolator of Impurity and Abomination – bass/vocals;
                       The Shatterer of Wooden Crucifixes – drums.

Location:         Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Better song of the demo:

“Satanic Charge”.

Better feature of the music:

Its incredible noisy and megabestial intensity.
 Radioactive Vomit - Witchblood
After the super – complex plots of the Abyssal, now it’s time to review a more simple but always memorable stuff. Also because the Radioactive Vomit play in a incredibly personal way, despite their love for the tradition of the bestial black/death metal in its primitive rawness. Besides this, I knew this madmen through my FB group called, in fact, “Bestial Black/Death metal”. When I listen to them, I like already their noise, so a review about their demo titled “Witchblood” is compulsory. Hence, before read this article, prepare the ears and then… SUFFER FOR THE JOY!

“Witchblood” consists of 6 tracks (and the intro) for 13 minutes and a half of music, that is a bestial black/death metal very similar to the Black Witchery, but it is combined with a punk attitude that gives to the demo a truly inhuman intensity. In consequence,  the songs are short, since some of them don’t reach the 2 minutes of length. And still, the Crust moments with a crazy groove have a remarkable importance in the music, and this is a very rare fact for a band of this kind. Hence, these guys know when it’s time to slowdown, so to propose some doomish passages.

Another interesting aspect comes from the songs’ structure because they are full of separations and painful restarts. Maybe, the band sometimes exaggerates a bit but, fortunately, these moments are proposed through various ways, so they aren’t mechanical, as it could seems initially.

This structure is able to make more chaotic the entire music, all the more so because the band use very willingly the feedback, and it is presents, above all, between a track and the other one. It seems that everything falls apart, impression that is emphatized through the frenetic and noisy solos, played especially during the first songs, I wonder why.

On top of that, there is a very sick vocal work. Oh yeah, there are “ignorant” growls as paroxysmal screams and vocal overcrowding. To sum it up, here there is the typical resonant bedlam of the bestial black/death metal. However, the Radioactive Vomit know how to surprise also in this sector shooting at times some acute screams, that are totally crazy and disturbing. This time, the closest band to these guys is the Danish Blaspherit, and, at this point, I remember you that I review their first and still only demo ("Fallen Oath of Black Doom") one year ago.

Well, this band has been a very surprise for me, not only because it shows again and again the excellent health of Canada, fundamental country as regards the bestial black/death metal, but also because it plays with a good personality and variety plus a bunch of intensity. In brief, the Radioactive Vomit are the classic example of personality without any particular innovation.

Vote: 82

Flavio “Claustrofobia” Adducci


1 – Cydonic Devastation/ 2 – PlagueStorm/ 3 – Satanic Charge/ 4 – Obsessing the Asylum/ 5 – Howls Emanating from the Abyss/ 6 - Witchblood
