Thursday, April 30, 2020

xSenselessxPositivityx: a little preview for this one-man noisegrind band!

Hey brutal bangers,
a new noisegrind band is born and its name is xSenselessxPositivityx!
It's guided by the sole xPositivityxEaterx (that's me!) and I can say that its story was started in the Summer of 2019, when I came with the idea to put up a noisegrind band. But only in March of 2019 I finally realized it, also to do something creative/destructive during the quarantine caused by this fuckin' Coronavirus.
So, I started to record "songs" (almost) every day in order to put up a demo composed of 20 tracks.
Lyrically speaking, the tracks are characterized by lyrics focused on themes about love, sarcasm, despair, personal and socio-political topics and various provocations. Instead, the main influences are seminal bands for the genre such as Cripple Bastards, Anal Cunt, Sore Throat and 7 Minutes of Nausea.
Meanwhile, the following is "Covidaloca", a little preview (with the guest IacoPUS on vocals) of the aforementioned upcoming demo:

Other news will be propagated very soon!


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