Monday, July 8, 2019

E.G.O.C.I.D.E.: some very good news for them!

Hey brutalbangers,
some months ago I reviewed (in Italian) the furious debut album of the Italian thrashcore band E.G.O.C.I.D.E.. Apart the fact that I am still shocked for the incredible amount of rage expressed by their singer in every fuckin' song of the album, there are some very good news for them.

Firstly, do you remember that their album was released only in a digital format? Well, a physical version is finally ready to be released!
Secondly, E.G.O.C.I.D.E. started ultimately a collaboration with the US label Piss Gargler Records, that has been founded only few months ago. In according to the words of the band, the aim with this label "is to make more merchandise available".
And thirdly, they made a promotional video for the song "Hexed and Gone", already featured in their album. Below you can watch it:

Other news? Yesss! They have a new song called "Human Capitalism" in their setlist. They published a short video while they play this track in their rehearsal room. But you must go to their shows if you want to listen to "Human Capitalism" in its entirety!

For other infos:

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