Anche se Timpani allo Spiedo è ufficialmente inattiva, oggi pubblico un nuovo articolo, che però non è altro che la recensione di "Benvenuti all'Inferno!" che il mio fratello gemello e amicone Davide De Vito mi ha fatto a inizio anno su FaceBook. Aspettatevi una recensione-fiume, quindi lunghissima, ultra-dettagliata e anche molto obiettiva. Quindi, non posso che augurarvi buona lettura!
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Monday, August 2, 2021
Timpani allo Spiedo: the end
Today the experience of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine is over.
Sometime ago I explained the reasons leading to its end. Here I am going only to say that I've lost interest in the 'zine, and I feel I said everything I wanted and more. But I am proud of putting up an adventure lasted even 11 years. Thanks to it, I met many awesome bands but also many fantastic people, and with some of them I established great friendships, also recently. But I think also that Timpani would not have become what it is without the support it received throughout these years.
So, I thank all the collaborators I had, also those that the life divided us for some reasons.
I thank all the bands, the labels, the promotion agencies, the promoters and the managers that sent me their stuff, also giving me some t-shirts or stickers.
Thanks to all the people that participated in this adventure, also by answering to simple interviews.
And thanks to all those that, in a way or another, supported Timpani allo Spiedo, even by doing some donations or, simply, by sharing some articles somewhere.
Now, maybe I'll resume, in the future, the 'zine but, for the moment, the experience ends today and I am convinced of my decision. It's time to do new things, it's time of new projects, it's time of changes.
So, don't feel bad. Also because every ending is always a new beginning.
Thank you for all,
P.S.: in the pic there is a lot of stuff that was expressively sent for Timpani allo Spiedo. If I remember well, "Underground 'n' Roll" by Devastator has been the very first promo that, centuries ago, was sent to me. Even today I am used to listen to it with pleasure.
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Come on, burn my ears! #14 (the final playlist)
And so, this is the very last episode of "Come on, burn my ears!", the main playlist of Timpani allo Spiedo!
This is a really special episode because, in it, I included the entire story of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine, from its first number released through email in the far 2008 to this day. So, all the 31 bands featured represent, in a way or another, key pieces in the story of the 'zine.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #43: Esimere/Sarmat/Inhumanity Vortex/Kat
Hey futuristicmetalpunkers,
this is the very last episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" and one of the very last new articles on Timpani allo Spiedo zine. It is about 4 bands, one Italian and the other 3 from Poland, as usual in these last times. In fact, Timpani allo Spiedo, during these days, became in practice a webzine a lot focused on the Polish metal, and this is very curious.
Anyway, let's go to discover the bands... and see you soon with a surprise!
Friday, July 30, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #42: Gasoline Guns/Sandbreaker/Ulcer/Faeces/The Black Thunder
Hey motordoomdeathmetallers,
this is the very last episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" dedicated to the releases I received from Mythrone Promotion. In fact, the albums contained in this episode all belong to the last pack that Mythrone sent to me one month ago circa.
All the bands in this article are Polish, except the Gasoline Guns, as you'll see soon. In addition, all the albums were released in 2021 in co-production by Defense Records and Mythrone Promotion, also in collaboration with other labels like Free Joy Stereo, as in the case of the Sandbreaker.
I advise that the next episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" will be the last one because, as I explained, Timpani allo Spiedo is going to end its activities.
And now, thanking Marcin of Mythrone Prom to sending me all these awesome albums throughout these years, let's go to discover the bands!
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #41: Hammathaz/Dira Mortis/Ireful/Deathspawn/Incertus/Iscariota/Gnida
Hey extreme fuckin' metalbangers,
as I promised few days ago, here you are another episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" totally about the releases that I received ultimately in CD by Mythrone Promotion. This time you'll find albums mainly released by the sole Defense Records (Deathspawn, Incertus, Iscariota), also in co-operation with other labels like Voice Music (Hammathaz). But there is also an album edited under the auspices of Selfmadegod Records (Dira Mortis) while other 2 were self-released by the same bands (Ireful, Gnida).
And now, so let's go to discover the bands!
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #40: Maggoth/Inverted Mind/Sandbreaker/Cadaveric Possession/Aggressive Mutilator
Hey totally crazy, demented and exploited maniacs,
there is a new "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" episode to read. It's all about some of the albums that Mythrone Promotion sent me time ago in CD format. 2 of them were released by Defense Records (Maggoth and Inverted Mind) while the other 2 by Mythrone Prom itself in collaboration with other labels since the debut album of Sandbreaker was co-released with the same Defense Records and Free Joy Stereo while the split album between Cadaveric Possession and Aggressive Mutilator was edited along with Bestial Invasion Records.
There will be other 2 episodes of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" dedicated to Mythrone Prom in the following days to come since ultimately I received a lot of albums from it. They will be 2 of the last articles I'll publish here because, after them, Timpani allo Spiedo will finish its activities, as I explained on this article.
But meanwhile, let's go to discover the bands!
Friday, July 23, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #39: Automb/Obsecration/Kalt Vindur/Nomad/Batushka/Vader
Hey ultra-fuckin' pissed off metalheads,
there is another "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" episode to read. This time it's all about the releases that I received, in the past, in CD format by the Polish label Witching Hour Productions.
Let's go to discover them!
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #38: Neolith/Lined/Adragard
Hey brutal fuckin' trve metalbangers,
today there is a new episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss" to read, always with 3 bands but this time you have to know that I received in physical format all the albums I talk about here.
Let's go to discover the bands!
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #37: Lilyum/My Own Voice/Thecodontion
Hey mega-bestial black hardcore punkmetallers,
today I wake Timpani allo Spiedo from its current slumber by talking about 3 Italian bands. But I'm very lazy to build a decent intro, so let's go already to discover them!
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Terrordome - "Straight Outta Smogtown" (Selfmadegod Records, 2021)
Band: Terrordome
Title: Straight Outta Smogtown
Genre: Crossover Thrash Metal
Release date: 5th February 2021
Time: 40.31 min
Vote: 84/100
Reviewer: Flavio Adducci
What can you expect from a band that dubs their music as "Brutal Crossover Thrash"? Exactly what they promise: an hyper-fast and intense crossover thrash metal with some demented blast-beats here and there. But these 4 Polish angry thrashers have also a good imagination, so there is no always a blind massacre throughout the 14 tracks composing their new album "Straight Outta Smogtwon" (Selfmadegod Records), that Mythrone Promotion sent me in physical format some time ago.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Hey black metal bangers,
our beloved Francesco Bazzurri reviewed two months ago the brilliant third album by Fosch, an Italian black metal quintet singing in the dialect of their homeland, that is Bergamo, in the region of Lombardy. So, fascinated by this thing and also by the themes faced by the band that are rooted in the Bergamo folklore, Francesco thought well to interview them.
In brief, this is the interview to Fosch. One of their two guitarists, Pagà, answered to the questions.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Timpani allo Spiedo: a simple break?
It’s official now: Timpani allo Spiedo has stopped a bit its activities in these months, so I apologize to its followers and everyone sent me/us ultimately some stuff to review.
Personally, I have no will anymore, for example, to listen to an album and then to write a new review. But I think this isn’t a bad thing. Sincerely, I’m fine with that.
The fact is that the commitments, the needs, the projects change… the life itself changes. So I don’t see anymore Timpani allo Spiedo like one of the essential things for my life. Also because, after many years, finally I am discovering the pleasure, the beauty to listen to an album without writing something about it.
Ergo, I don’t know if this is a simple break for the ‘zine or stuff but this is the plan: my friend Francesco (that I thank infinitely, also for the Timpani’s new logo!) and me will talk about the last releases that we received ultimately, especially about the ones in physical format, then we’ll see.
In every case, it has been really a beautiful adventure, that was started in the now very far 2008. Wow, how much time has passed!
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
mentre il mio compare Francesco Bazzurri sta lavorando a una bella intervista ai Fosch (gruppo black metal che canta in dialetto bergamasco, mica cazzi!), io vi presento quella agli organizzatori del Distruggi La Bassa, noto festival hardcore punk che si tiene annualmente, dal 2015, a Ferrara, una delle mie città italiane preferite famosa anche per il suo Buskers Festival e per una ricca tradizione antifascista.
Al Distruggi La Bassa dell'anno scorso dovevo esserci ma poi il Covid ha fatto il sacrilegio di scompaginare tutto e quindi ciaone e tante care cose. Peccato perché sarebbe stata sicuramente un'edizione con i controfiocchi già solo per una line-up stellare comprendente leggende come gli MDC, i DRI e gli Youth of Today, gruppi divertentissimi da vedere dal vivo come quei pazzi degli Insanity Alert, e ovviamente una vagonata di valide band italiane, molte delle quali ospitate già su queste pagine come i MuD (e così avrei finalmente conosciuto di persona AldoHC, dopo che siamo amici su FB da anni!), i Milksnake, gli Obscene Revenge (mi ricordo ancora con grande piacere la loro serata romana di supporto agli One Way System!), i Vibratacore o i romanissimi No More Lies (a proposito, sono tornati live qualche sabato fa!). Insomma, sarebbe stata una 3 giorni da panico in pieno stile "teste vuote ossa rotte"! Ma ciò che è passato è passato, ciò che conta è il presente, e quindi anche il fatto che i ragazzi del Distruggi La Bassa abbiano dei progetti importanti, fra cui una eventuale edizione 2021 del fest.
Ringrazio il gentilissimo e disponibile Francesco "Monta" Montanari, uno degli organizzatori, per aver risposto all'intervista, dopo che l'ho contattato su Feisbuc qualcosa come un mesetto fa.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Presentazione del libro "Benvenuti all'Inferno!" il 19 maggio a Roma!
Il momento è quasi giunto.
Fra 2 giorni, mercoledì 19 maggio, ci sarà la primissima presentazione dal vivo di "Benvenuti all'Inferno!", il mio saggio sul proto-black metal ormai uscito a fine 2020. Si terrà alle 18 presso il famoso locale Traffic di Roma. A fare da relatore ci penserà il mio amico e collega Fabio Rossi, che già ho ospitato su queste pagine recensendo un paio dei suoi libri, di cui quello sui Bathory, uscito da pochissimo. Sicuramente ne uscirà fuori una bella chiacchierata.
Monday, May 3, 2021
E finalmente i concerti sono ripartiti!
E finalmente, in questi giorni si sta riprendendo a organizzare dei concerti. Poca roba ma il segnale di ripresa c'è. Giusto l'altro ieri sono andato al Traffic per vedere gli Shockproof e i Reapter al Traffic. L'entusiasmo era tale che c'era tantissima gente, e quindi l'evento si è trasformato immediatamente in un'occasione sociale come non se ne vedevano da tanto. Infatti, devo dire che, a un certo punto, durante gli Shockproof ho smesso proprio di vederli per socializzare perché c'erano veramente tantissimi amici vecchi ma anche nuovi. Era tutto un continuo "weeee, ciao, come stai?", visto che con alcuni non ci si vedeva da tempo. Tutto ciò però non mi ha impedito di scattare qualche foto del concerto ma solo durante lo show degli Shockproof, ergo di seguito li potete vedere mentre suonano con l'ospite Flavio degli Asphaltator:
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Fabio Rossi - "Bathory - La band che cambiò l'heavy metal" (Officina di Hank, 2021)
Titolo: Bathory - La band che cambiò l'heavy metal
Autore: Fabio Rossi
Genere: Libro
Data di uscita: marzo 2021
Voto: senza voto
A marzo è uscita finalmente la nuova fatica del mio amico Fabio Rossi: "Bathory - La band che cambiò l'heavy metal". Sarebbe la sua primissima incursione in territori metal, e spero che non sia l'ultima visti gli ottimi risultati conseguiti, come si vedrà. Ma, come alcuni di voi sapranno sicuramente, io ho scritto la prefazione di questo libro, per il quale Fabio ha tratto anche un po' di ispirazione dal mio "Benvenuti all'Inferno!", che, fra l'altro, è stato pubblicato per la stessa casa editrice, la Officina di Hank. Insomma, è un libro che ho visto crescere, e forse, per una recensione vera e propria, sarei un po' troppo di parte. Quindi, per essere il più corretto possibile, preferisco dare a questo saggio un senza voto. Ma ciò non mi impedisce certamente di cercare di essere il più obiettivo possibile, ragion per cui penso che sia cosa buona e giusta elencare prima i difetti che ho riscontrato in "Bathory" (il libro, non il disco, eh!).
Monday, April 19, 2021
Fosch - "Per chi èla la nòcc" (Vacula Productions, 2019)
Title: Per chi èla la nòcc
Genre: Black Metal
Time: 43.18 min
Release date: 9th October 2019
Vote: 88/100
Let me say this: Italian black metal reserves morbid surprises! Starting with my
beloved Progenie Terrestre Pura that experiment new frontiers of sound and ending with Fosch, a
band coming from the foggy lands of northern Italy, that redefines the narrative of this extreme
music genre. In their third work "Per chi èla la nòcc" (Vacula Productions, 2019), they sing in bergamasque dialect, and it is very
important because, by telling their dark tales filled with grim atmosphere and gloomy folky feeling,
like "Al calar del sul", these damned guys create a perfect bloody marriage between local tradition
and black metal. Concept is very important, reinforcing it is essential and create an effective and
original overview in this kind of music not for all and saturated with ideas, so this sounds like a victory!
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
after a lot of days without articles of any sort, Timpani allo Spiedo is back with a new interview!
Yes, because time ago I had the idea to propose some questions to Intolerant, a bestial black/death metal duo from Rome whose debut album "Primal Future" was briefly reviewed months ago. Hence, in the following lines you can read an interview that is fast and furious just as the noise perpetrated with extreme hate by this band.
So, enjoy this interview!
Monday, March 22, 2021
Hi, old school thrash metal maniacs, after reviewing the powerful Torn Fabrick's new release, "Mind Consumption", a really great work of this Portugese band, let me present their exclusive interview for Timpani allo Spiedo and discover with us their story, their adrenaline addicted music, their message and future projects! Also, I recommend listening to the EP if you need an injection of pure energy! If you don't, may Thanos cancel you from existence snapping his infinity gloved fingers!
Monday, March 15, 2021
Shankaty (Rome, 13th March 2021)
Gruppo: Shankaty
Data: 13 marzo 2021
Locale: Let It Beer, Roma
Ingresso: gratuito
Redattore: Flavio Adducci
Friday, March 12, 2021
Sarcastic Burn Victim - "Blood & Stomach Pills" (Cruel Nature Records, 2021)
Title: Blood & Stomach Pills
Genre: Jazzcore
Release date: 29th January 2021
Time: 26.21 min
Vote: 90/100
Reviewer: Francesco Bazzurri
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Children of Technology - "Written Destiny" (Hells Headbangers Records, 2020)
Title: Written Destiny
Genre: Punkish Speed Metal
Release date: 18th December 2020
Time: 33.42 min
Vote: 86/100
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Malichor - "Sirens of Innsmouth" (Self-released, 2020)
Title: Sirens of Innsmouth
Genre: Black/Thrash Metal
Time: 7.01 min
Release date: 17th October 2020
Vote: 75/100
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Come on, burn my ears! #13
Hey metalheads and punkers,
finally welcome to the 13th episode of "Come on, burn my ears!", the main playlist of Timpani allo Spiedo! For the truth, it was supposed to be published on February but, unfortunately, it is out only now.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Torn Fabriks - "Mind Consumption" (Firecum Records, 2021)
Title: Mind Consumption
Genre: Thrash Metal
Time: 20.46 min
Release date: 11th January 2021
Vote: 90/100
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Overcharge - "Metal Punx" (DIY Co-production, 2020)
Titolo: Metal Punx
Genere: Speed Metal/Crust Punk
Durata: 33.18 min
Data di pubblicazione: 13 marzo 2020
Voto: 87/100
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Motron - "Who'll Stop the Rain?" (Calimocho Autoproduzioni DIY, 2019)
Titolo: Who'll Stop the Rain?
Genere: Crust Punk/D-Beat con influenze Rock'n'Roll
Data di pubblicazione: 1° novembre 2019
Durata: 28.22 min
Voto: 84/100
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Hyle - "Weapons I've Earned" (DIY Co-production, 2020)
Title: Weapons I've Earned
Genre: Crust Punk/Death Metal
Release date: 22nd May 2020
Time: 19.09 min
Vote: 90/100
Once upon a time there was a fantastic hardcore punk festival in Rome called Marci su Roma, whose two editions were held in 2018 and 2019. The latter (live report here) had a very interesting bill full not only of some legendary British bands like Oi Polloi but also of some promising acts like these Hyle, an (almost) all-female crust punk band. Unfortunately, they couldn't took part of the fest due to various issues. After something like two years, Hyle are back on these pages because Francesco reviewed their third production since 2016, the album "Weapons I've Earned", that, mixed and mastered by Fabio Banfio from Rake-Off and Taste the Floor, was released in a DIY co-production involving realities such as Calimocho DIY, Bright Future, Fresh Outbreak Records, Scull Crashers and Shove Records.
And now let's go to read the review by Francesco!
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #36: Irdorath/Exit/Velkhanos
Hey ultra-bangers (in these last times I am inventing every form of greeting haha!),
I received in May 2020 a 4-album pack from Art Gates Records but I am listening to them only in these days. Of them, you will not find "Soulcrifice" by Lined, that will be into another episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss".
So, let's go to discover the following bands!
Friday, February 5, 2021
Amphist - "Eschaton" (DIY Co-production, 2020)
Title: Eschaton
Genre: Crust Punk/D-Beat
Time: 35.58 min
Release date: 21st September 2020
Vote: 85/100
Hey crust punk maniacs,
our beloved Francesco Bazzurri, after Culto del Cargo, reviews today another album in the sign of the crust punk/d-beat: "Eschaton" by Amphist.
A quintet coming from Naples, in Southern Italy, Amphist were featured in "Come on, burn my ears! #12" after I was received their album from Calimocho DIY, one of the labels that released it (they are too many to be all mentionable but some of them are Bologna Punx and Pirate Crew Records, already known on these putrid pages).
There is also to say that Amphist are a well-known band in the Italian hardcore punk underground, and it isn't a case if they played also in my Rome 2 years ago, in a night full of interesting acts like Ira, Fuoco (RIP) and Greve. Unfortunately, I didn't attend that gig.
And now, let's start to read this awesome review by Francesco!
Monday, February 1, 2021
Abigorum - "Exaltatus Mechanism" (Satanath Records, 2019)
Title: Exaltatus Mechanism
Genre: Black/Doom Metal
Time: 45.31 min
Release date: 14th June 2019
Vote: 65/100
Saturday, January 30, 2021
In ricordo di Claudia
Purtroppo ci ha lasciati una nota agitatrice della scena underground romana, attivissima in vari progetti anche musicali (fra cui il gruppo crust/grind xCaracox) e pure co-proprietaria dell'importante negozio di dischi Inferno Store.
Ti vogliamo ricordare mentre ti divertivi a cantare proprio con i xCaracox, in una foto scattata il 2 marzo 2019 al Malatempora, in una di quelle bellissime pomeriggiate hc organizzate dal locale e che quel giorno vide in scaletta anche i giovani Ira.
Ciao Claudia
Ci mancherai a noi tutti
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Tutti Pazzi #25 (2020)
Genere: Fanzine
Pagine: 50 in A4
Data di uscita: 28 settembre 2020
Voto: 78/100
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Hey black metal maniacs,
Francesco Bazzurri strikes again!
After reviewing the Tristwood's new album with enthusiastic tones, he interviewed them. Its his first interview for Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine and I have to say that this debut as interviewer is fantastic not only because his questions are very good but also because Neru, the Tristwood guitarist, answered in a very interesting way. The consequence of all this is that we are in presence of a in-depth interview that is about not only the (black metal) music but also about the Art in its general concept, crossing boundaries that are not so common in our metal world.
So, here you are the first interview by Francesco. Enjoy it!
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Destinazione Finale - "In bilico nel reale" (DIY Co-production, 2019)
Title: In bilico nel reale
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Time: 18.23 min
Release date: 11th December 2019
Vote: 95/100
Hey old-school hc kids,
some weeks ago the Italian label Calimocho Autoproduzioni DIY sent us 6 interesting releases belonging to the hardcore punk spectrum and the first one we reviewed is this "In bilico nel reale", debut album of Destinazione Finale ("final destination") released in a gigantic co-production that engaged the following realities: Calimocho Autoproduzioni, Zas! Autoproduzioni, Passione Nera Records, Lanterna Pirata, Punti Scena Records, Disastro Sonoro, Barrio 315, M.A.D. Productions, Radio Punk, Malapaga Records, Massimo Dolore.
Destinazione Finale, that ultimately replaced their bassplayer Jacopo, already replaced by the new entry Nicco, are an Italian quartet from Tuscany whose sound is pure hardcore punk rooted in the classic Italian tradition, so bands like Negazione (a band whose "Lo spirito continua" was, indeed, covered by Destinazione Finale), Indigesti and the likes come easily in mind.
But this is only my intro, because the album has been enthusiastically reviewed by our beloved Francesco Bazzurri, so please read his fantastic review and let us know if you like this band.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Come on, burn my ears! #12
Hey brutal bangers,
the last episode of "Come on, burn my ears!" was published even in October 2020, so it's a lot of time that I didn't publish a new episode of the main Timpani allo Spiedo's playlist. So, the time has come to refresh this playlist, also because, in the meantime, we received many new bands, and this way is perfect to listen to them before we'll review them.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #35: Jesus Wept/Netherblade/Sacrocurse/Satanize/Sickle of Dust/Sviatibor/Throneum
Hey brutal bangers,
today you have to read another appointment with "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss", the column in which I am used to talk shortly about albums without writing real reviews.
This new appointment is more metal than the previous one, so expect to read about bands that range from bestial black/death metal to atmospheric black metal, and not forgetting a little of thrash metal to bang your fuckin' heads!
Enjoy this article and discover all the following acts!
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #34: !T.O.O.H.!/Bas Rotten/Dropdead/Fuck the Facts/Hanging Fortress/Perdition Sect/Intolerant
Hey brutal bangers,
it's a lot of time that I don't publish a new appointment with "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss". Finally, here you are a new episode of this column. This time you'll read about 7 bands... but they are only a part of the very stuff that I received in these last months!
Unfortunately, I must still prepare a year-end Top Ten, that now is a classic for the 'zine for some years, and I don't want to break this tradition, so expect news about this thing.
No other words, let's go already to discover the bands!