Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Hey brutalbangers,
I follow All My Sins since "Lunar/Solar" and, starting from that EP, I thought already that I was in presence of one of the best black metal bands out there nowadays. They confirmed this impression of mine not only with the subsequent "Zov iz Magle" single but, especially, with the monumental "Pra Sila - Vukov Totem", a debut album able to reward all their efforts made in these last years. So, after all these enthusiastic reviews and even after their inclusion in the first Timpani allo Spiedo's playlist, an interview to All My Sins was inevitable on these pages, also since I was very thrilled to unveil some aspects of the band that, surely, can't be discovered only through their music. Hence, here you are a very interesting interview with answers by Nav Cosmos and V., both representing the core of the band!
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Psychoneurosis: crowdfunding for Sonia!
Hey brutalbangers,
this is a very important news: a crowdfunding has been launched to help Rafał "Sonia", singer of the fantastic Polish grind freaks Psychoneurosis, because he has an inoperable pancreatic cancer.
this is a very important news: a crowdfunding has been launched to help Rafał "Sonia", singer of the fantastic Polish grind freaks Psychoneurosis, because he has an inoperable pancreatic cancer.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rake-Off - "Goin' Mental" (DIY co-production, 2019)
Gruppo: Rake-Off
Titolo: Goin' Mental
Genere: Hardcore Punk metallizzato
Durata: 18.16 min
Data di pubblicazione: 22 giugno 2019
Voto: 89/100
Comunicazione di servizio:
sarà forse la millesima volta che ve lo annuncio ma sappiate che il 24 marzo 2019 è uscito il mio libro sulla first wave of black metal intitolato "Nel Segno del Marchio Nero". Se volete sapere qualcosina sulle gesta degli Hellhammer, Sodom, Bathory ma anche di gruppi un pochino meno famosi come Parabellum, Vulga e chi più ne ha più ne metta, questo libro fa per voi. Ah, puntualizzo che è un ebook e che si può comprare attraverso i migliori stores digitali come Amazon, IBS, Google Books e altri. Comprate, leggete e poi fatemi sapere, eh! DAJE!!!
Torna finalmente su queste lordissime pagine l'abruzzese THC DIY Prod, e lo fa in grande stile con i Rake-Off, che qui a Roma conosciamo benissimo essendo loro degli eroi locali della nostra scena hardcore punk. Infatti, quest'anno i Rake-Off sono tornati con un nuovo album, il terzo, stampato in un bel formato vinilico in una co-produzione che vede coinvolte ben 7 etichette discografiche: Mastice Produzioni, Time to Kill Records, Rumori in Cantina, Fast'n'Loud Rec, Timebomb Rec, Nuclear Chaos Rec e, appunto, la THC DIY Prod, che è gestita, lo ricordiamo, da AldoHC dei grandi MuD. Bene, il nuovo album dei Rake-Off s'intitola "Goin' Mental"... anche se, per alcuni, a giudicare dalle nuove sonorità del quintetto romano il titolo più corretto dovrebbe essere "Goin' Metal"! Indovinate perché!
Titolo: Goin' Mental
Genere: Hardcore Punk metallizzato
Durata: 18.16 min
Data di pubblicazione: 22 giugno 2019
Voto: 89/100
Comunicazione di servizio:
sarà forse la millesima volta che ve lo annuncio ma sappiate che il 24 marzo 2019 è uscito il mio libro sulla first wave of black metal intitolato "Nel Segno del Marchio Nero". Se volete sapere qualcosina sulle gesta degli Hellhammer, Sodom, Bathory ma anche di gruppi un pochino meno famosi come Parabellum, Vulga e chi più ne ha più ne metta, questo libro fa per voi. Ah, puntualizzo che è un ebook e che si può comprare attraverso i migliori stores digitali come Amazon, IBS, Google Books e altri. Comprate, leggete e poi fatemi sapere, eh! DAJE!!!
Torna finalmente su queste lordissime pagine l'abruzzese THC DIY Prod, e lo fa in grande stile con i Rake-Off, che qui a Roma conosciamo benissimo essendo loro degli eroi locali della nostra scena hardcore punk. Infatti, quest'anno i Rake-Off sono tornati con un nuovo album, il terzo, stampato in un bel formato vinilico in una co-produzione che vede coinvolte ben 7 etichette discografiche: Mastice Produzioni, Time to Kill Records, Rumori in Cantina, Fast'n'Loud Rec, Timebomb Rec, Nuclear Chaos Rec e, appunto, la THC DIY Prod, che è gestita, lo ricordiamo, da AldoHC dei grandi MuD. Bene, il nuovo album dei Rake-Off s'intitola "Goin' Mental"... anche se, per alcuni, a giudicare dalle nuove sonorità del quintetto romano il titolo più corretto dovrebbe essere "Goin' Metal"! Indovinate perché!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #12: Violent Opposition+Strappado+Grevia+VHS
Hey brutalbangers,
it's been a while that there are no episodes of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss", so I'm going to resume it just today.
Hence, today you'll have the occasion to meet in a single time 4 bands that are mostly linked, in some ways, with grindcore. And one of them plays grindcore in a very original way, so...
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Kinestence - "Transmutation" (Self-released, 2019)
Band: Kinestence
Title: Transmutation
Genre: Industrial Death Metal
Time: 14.51 min
Release date: 19th March 2019
Rating: 64/100
Fuck, I could consider myself as an expert of the Polish extreme metal in a way better than a Polish metalhead such are the albums that I regularly receive from Poland haha! In fact, after Warfist, here you are another band coming from that country. Its name is Kinestence and is a trio whose singer Sebastian "Sirius" Syroczyński has already been known on these putrid pages thanks to his militancy in the brutal/grindsters Gnida. Well, he and his two comrades Wojtek Dmochovski and Jarek Myszkowski decided just year to give birth to this strange creature called Kinestence, self-releasing in March 2019, in a nice CD digipack format in my possession, a 3-track demo that, distributed by Mythrone Promotion, isn't absolutely perfect but presents an interesting mix of styles that will surely likes to everyone into experimental stuff.
Title: Transmutation
Genre: Industrial Death Metal
Time: 14.51 min
Release date: 19th March 2019
Rating: 64/100
Fuck, I could consider myself as an expert of the Polish extreme metal in a way better than a Polish metalhead such are the albums that I regularly receive from Poland haha! In fact, after Warfist, here you are another band coming from that country. Its name is Kinestence and is a trio whose singer Sebastian "Sirius" Syroczyński has already been known on these putrid pages thanks to his militancy in the brutal/grindsters Gnida. Well, he and his two comrades Wojtek Dmochovski and Jarek Myszkowski decided just year to give birth to this strange creature called Kinestence, self-releasing in March 2019, in a nice CD digipack format in my possession, a 3-track demo that, distributed by Mythrone Promotion, isn't absolutely perfect but presents an interesting mix of styles that will surely likes to everyone into experimental stuff.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
One Way System+Obscene Revenge+Tacita+Choke Wire (Rome, 5th October 2019)
Bands: One Way System+Obscene Revenge+Tacita+Choke Wire
Location: Forte Prenestino, Roma
Date: 5th October 2019
Entrance: 5 €
Ultimately many bands belonging to the history of HC punk are going to play here in Rome. Some examples? Madball, Circle One, Asocial, Avskum... and now you must count in this list of HC giants also One Way System, the British legends that are out there to do some damage since 1978. In fact, today we'll talk about their ultra-intense gig kept at the Forte Prenestino squat on 5th October 2019. But to say the entire truth, I went there also to see in action one of the three supporting acts: Obscene Revenge, whose debut album, that I received one year ago from THC DIY Prod, amazed me a lot. So, let's start with this new live report... and I guarantee that you will read plenty of absurd, funny things!
Location: Forte Prenestino, Roma
Date: 5th October 2019
Entrance: 5 €
Ultimately many bands belonging to the history of HC punk are going to play here in Rome. Some examples? Madball, Circle One, Asocial, Avskum... and now you must count in this list of HC giants also One Way System, the British legends that are out there to do some damage since 1978. In fact, today we'll talk about their ultra-intense gig kept at the Forte Prenestino squat on 5th October 2019. But to say the entire truth, I went there also to see in action one of the three supporting acts: Obscene Revenge, whose debut album, that I received one year ago from THC DIY Prod, amazed me a lot. So, let's start with this new live report... and I guarantee that you will read plenty of absurd, funny things!
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Warfist - "Grünberger" (Godz ov War Productions, 2019)
Band: Warfist
Title: Grünberger
Genre: Black/Thrash Metal
Time: 37.23 min
Release Date: 27th February 2019
Rating: 83/100
Ladies and gentlemen, here you are Warfist! 2 days ago I featured them into the first Timpani allo Spiedo's playlist, that you can play at the right of the blog. And as I promised, this is the review of "Grünberger", the devastating third album of Warfist, a Polish horde that, before releasing their debut album in 2014, released a bunch of stuff like 2 demos, an EP and 4 splits since their foundation in 2004. Now, they are only in 2 members, and one of them, the singer/guitarplayer Mihu, is one of their original founders. Instead, they become a trio for the live gigs with the addition of Nechrist (Arkona, Witchmaster...), with which Warfist participated this year in the renowned Polish open air festival Black Silesia, that this time saw in action bands of the calibre of Hellfire Deathcult, Pseudogod, Varathron, Nunslaughter and even the legendary Tormentor. But now what's about "Grünberger"?
Title: Grünberger
Genre: Black/Thrash Metal
Time: 37.23 min
Release Date: 27th February 2019
Rating: 83/100
Ladies and gentlemen, here you are Warfist! 2 days ago I featured them into the first Timpani allo Spiedo's playlist, that you can play at the right of the blog. And as I promised, this is the review of "Grünberger", the devastating third album of Warfist, a Polish horde that, before releasing their debut album in 2014, released a bunch of stuff like 2 demos, an EP and 4 splits since their foundation in 2004. Now, they are only in 2 members, and one of them, the singer/guitarplayer Mihu, is one of their original founders. Instead, they become a trio for the live gigs with the addition of Nechrist (Arkona, Witchmaster...), with which Warfist participated this year in the renowned Polish open air festival Black Silesia, that this time saw in action bands of the calibre of Hellfire Deathcult, Pseudogod, Varathron, Nunslaughter and even the legendary Tormentor. But now what's about "Grünberger"?
Monday, October 7, 2019
Come on, burn my ears! #1
Hey brutalbangers,
finally today I decided to give life to "Come on, burn my ears!", the playlist of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine!
finally today I decided to give life to "Come on, burn my ears!", the playlist of Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine!
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Night Gaunt: very first line-up changes since the foundation!
Hey brutalbangers,
today I must give you a sad news regarding Night Gaunt that, throughout the years, are become one of the best Italian doom metal bands of these last times, also because, for example, they toured in the UK and shared the stage with bands such as Black Oath and Abysmal Grief.
today I must give you a sad news regarding Night Gaunt that, throughout the years, are become one of the best Italian doom metal bands of these last times, also because, for example, they toured in the UK and shared the stage with bands such as Black Oath and Abysmal Grief.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Sepolcro - "Amorphous Mass" (Unholy Domain Records/Dismal Fate Records, 2019)
Band: Sepolcro
Title: Amorphous Mass
Genre: Death Metal
Time: 20.18 min
Release Date: 15th May 2019
Rating: 74/100
Service communication:
if you don't still know the existence of it, my ebook about the first wave of black metal called "Nel Segno del Marchio Nero" was released on 24th March 2019. Unfortunately, it is written only in Italian but, surely, into it there aren't the over-rehearsed things à la Lord of Chaos. If you want to buy my ebook, you can order it through the best Italian and International stores like Feltrinelli, IBS, Amazon and Google Books. Thank you in advance!
No bullshits, I think that Sepolcro, since I saw them live one year ago even though I never heard them before, is one of the best Italian death metal bands emerged in these last years! They confirmed again this impression through an outstanding EP recently published on CD via Unholy Domain Records as well on cassette via Dismal Fate Rec, that's the personal label of Hannes, the young (only 22 years old!) but hyper-active singer/drummer of the same Sepolcro! So, I've to say already that "Amorphous Mass", that the Italian agency Anubi Press sent me some time ago, promise plenty of good things to come for a band that, despite their foundation in 2011, is still without a debut album.
Title: Amorphous Mass
Genre: Death Metal
Time: 20.18 min
Release Date: 15th May 2019
Rating: 74/100
Service communication:
if you don't still know the existence of it, my ebook about the first wave of black metal called "Nel Segno del Marchio Nero" was released on 24th March 2019. Unfortunately, it is written only in Italian but, surely, into it there aren't the over-rehearsed things à la Lord of Chaos. If you want to buy my ebook, you can order it through the best Italian and International stores like Feltrinelli, IBS, Amazon and Google Books. Thank you in advance!
No bullshits, I think that Sepolcro, since I saw them live one year ago even though I never heard them before, is one of the best Italian death metal bands emerged in these last years! They confirmed again this impression through an outstanding EP recently published on CD via Unholy Domain Records as well on cassette via Dismal Fate Rec, that's the personal label of Hannes, the young (only 22 years old!) but hyper-active singer/drummer of the same Sepolcro! So, I've to say already that "Amorphous Mass", that the Italian agency Anubi Press sent me some time ago, promise plenty of good things to come for a band that, despite their foundation in 2011, is still without a debut album.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
No More Lies: videoclip for "Amici non ne ho"!
Hey brutalbangers,
after Definite, also No More Lies have now a video on Hardcore Worldwide, the famous YouTube channel completely specialized on hardcore punk and related genres!
after Definite, also No More Lies have now a video on Hardcore Worldwide, the famous YouTube channel completely specialized on hardcore punk and related genres!