Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Honorable Mentions from the Abyss #25: Mastemey/Sandbreaker/Железный Поток

Hey brutal bangers,
welcome to a new episode of "Honorable Mentions from the Abyss", that is totally focused on some albums that I received many months ago by Mythrone Promotion. To say the entire truth, it sent me recently a new pack of albums that I initially received in digital format during the fuckin' quarantine. But, for the moment, discover the albums (and their bands) presented in this article. Ranging from death/doom metal to thrash metal, I am sure that they will not disappoint you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Go! Fest: la decima edizione si farà!

Hey brutal bangers,
nonostante l'assurda situazione che stiamo vivendo, gli organizzatori del Go! Fest hanno voluto comunque salvare la nuova edizione del "festival più veloce d'Italia" mettendola su per il 3 ottobre presso il solito Spartaco, salvo nuove disposizioni per scongiurare una possibile seconda quarantena (ma speriamo proprio che non ci sia!).

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Regressive - "Born in the Grave" (Defense Records/Mythrone Promotion, 2019)

Band: Regressive
Title: Born in the Grave
Genre: Black/Speed'n'Roll
Time: 33.39 min
Release date: 19th October 2019
Vote: 85/100

As the Cuban thrash metal sensation Infector, also the Regressive is a band that I featured in the "Metal in the Box #1". Now that I have the occasion to talk about them in a more specific way, they are a trio from Lithuania founded in 2008 but, after two splits and a curious release shared with the brutal deathsters Infestation covering an Exhumed's track, they published their debut full-lenght album "Born in the Grave" (Defense Records/Mythrone Promotion) only last year. Fortunately, the wait was not in vain because we are in presence of three guys that perfectly know what they are doing and... but it's still too soon for the conclusions, so let's see because they deserve your consideration!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Metal in the Box #5: Witching Hour Productions #2

Hey brutal bangers,
a new pack from the Polish label Witching Hour Productions has arrived just this morning!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Come on, burn my ears! #9

Hey brutal bangers,
welcome to the 9th episode of "Come on, burn my ears!", the Timpani allo Spiedo's playlist that, this time, is a bit particular, as you'll see soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

I Maiali+Sleazy Bar (Rome, 31st July 2020)

Gruppi: I Maiali+Sleazy Bar
Data: 31 luglio 2020
Locale: Traffic Live Club
Ingresso: gratuito su prenotazione

Dopo un po' di tempo, riecco su queste lercissime pagine I Maiali! Infatti, oggi ne parlo di nuovo perché il 31 luglio 2020 sono ritornati su di un palco (quello del Traffic, per la precisione) per un bel concerto che ha visto all'opera anche gli Sleazy Bar, i quali invece stanno diventando una presenza fissa al Traffic perché ci hanno suonato pure il 20 giugno insieme a quei folli dei Cockroaches. In più, alla serata c'è stato un pacco di bella gente, segno c'è veramente fame di concerti dopo mesi e mesi di astinenza. Ma adesso vediamo che cos'hanno combinato I Maiali e gli Sleazy Bar!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Skulld - "Reinventing Darkness" (DIY co-production, 2020)

Band: Skulld
Title: Reinventing Darkness
Genre: Death Metal with Crust Punk influences
Time: 20.57 min
Release Date: 20th February 2020
Vote: 76/100

In March of 2020, so in full quarantine times, a video about an Italian metalhead covering the Slayer's "Raining Blood", that he dedicated to an old woman owning a famous kiosk in her small town (Bertinoro), became literally viral. I remember I had a lot of fun to watch that very short video! But only in these days I realized that that metalhead effectively plays the guitar in a death metal band. That band is called Skulld (after Skuld, a Norn in the Norse mythology that, along with other two Norns, has the power to decide the fate of the people), a quintet coming from two Italian regions, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, that published so far two releases since their foundation in 2018: a demo and the EP "Reinventing Darkness", both in 2019. Well, I received this last one from a friend of mine running the amazing webzine Blog Thrower (shame that it's on hold since June 2020!), that produced "Reinventing Darkness" in a DIY co-production with other 12 metal and punk labels. They are too much to be all listed but some of them were already featured on these pages such as Italian Extreme Underground, Hecatombe Records, Pirate Crew Records (I met his owner during the Marci su Roma 2 Fest) and SFA Records. This connection with the punk world isn't a case because every member of the Skulld comes just from hardcore punk since, for example, the aforementioned video star, Enrico, plays also in bands like NoWhiteRag, the drummer Teo in the Contrasto while the other guitarplayer, Rappo, is into even in a great black/death metal act of the calibre of Hierophant. And don't forget that we are in presence of a band with fantastic values such as antifascism and antisexism. All this is fukken awesome... but is also "fukken awesome" "Reinventing Darkness" in its entirety? FUCK YEAAAAH!