Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Black metal news: Split da tutta Italia in uscita a febbraio!

Hey brutalbangers,
per il mese prossimo è in programma l'uscita di uno split tutto black metal intitolato "Obscura Liturgia".

Tuesday, January 29, 2019



Hey brutalbangers,
I remember that my collaboration with Art Gates Records started even 7 years ago, when this Spanish label was still in its first days of existence. Since then, AGR has become an important underground label, and the nicer thing is that it is still growing up in a so good way that they recently opened their first office outside their national borders, precisely in Mexico. Hence, considering this long collaboration between us, some time ago I thought well to ask to Ivan Magdalena, one of the founders of this label, to interview him about it. So, today I am very honoured to present you this interview about Art Gates Records. Expect to read very interesting answers in which you can feel a real passion and dedication about the label, the AGR's bands and the metal music in general.
And many thanks to Ivan also to sending me the fantastic pics that you'll find throughout the interview!


Monday, January 28, 2019

Psychoneurosis - "The Fall of Humanity" (Selfmadegod Records, 2018)

Band: Psychoneurosis
Title: The Fall of Humanity
Genre: Grindcore
Time: 26.27 min
Release Date: 16th November 2018
Rating: 88/100

First strange thing: "The Fall of Humanity" is the debut album of a band that was even born in the far far September 1991. This band is named Psychoneurosis and, between 1992 and 2001, they released several demos, splits (a BUNCH of splits!) and also a live album. Then, these Polish maniacs decided to terminate Psychoneurosis. Fortunately, in 2016 their reunion became reality when Sonia, the original vocalist, gave new life to them with the result to be soon followed by Jasiu (their original drummer that played also in Infatuation of Death) and the new entry Laski from the death/grinders Bottom. So, after many gigs, Psychoneurosis released two things in 2018: the first one has been a split along with the omnipresent Agathocles (I seriously think that they have realized and will be realize a split with every grindcore band in the world!); and the second one is just this "The Fall of Humanity". It's true that's better late than never because this debut album released by the fantastic grindcore Polish label Selfmadegod Records deserves a fukken lot!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Obscene Revenge - "Try to Deny This" (co-produzione fra etichette DIY, 2018)

Band: Obscene Revenge
Titolo: Try to Deny This
Genere: Street Punk/Hardcore Punk
Durata: 30.10 min
Data di pubblicazione: 24 ottobre 2018
Voto: 84/100

Mi ricordo che al Questa è Roma c'era una comitiva di punk da fuori con delle triple creste assurde, e uno di loro aveva indosso una toppa degli Obscene Revenge. E oggi, come anticipato in un post che ho pubblicato giorni fa sulla pagina FB della 'zine, parliamo proprio degli Obscene Revenge. Questi sono un gruppo marchigiano da Macerata nato nel 2014 praticamente dalla fusione di due formazioni street punk chiamate Atti Osceni e Total Revenge, quindi stiamo parlando di musicisti con una buona esperienza alle spalle. Bene, dopo il primo EP "Don't Clean Up This Blood" (2015) e il secondo "This is War" (2017), gli Obscene Revenge hanno realizzato "Try to Deny This", un ottimo album di debutto co-prodotto da ben 6 etichette: Warhead Punx (francese, ha co-prodotto "Resilience" dei NoWhite Rag), Impeto Records, Nuclear Chaos Rec, SFA Records, Rof Distro Records, e quella THC DIY Prod che ormai conosciamo così bene su questa 'zine.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Moonshade - "Sun Dethroned" (Art Gates Records, 2018)

Band: Moonshade
Title: Sun Dethroned
Genre: Melodic Death Metal
Time: 46.07
Release Date: 26th October 2018
Rating: 83/100

After Cronaxia, Portugal come back here with Moonshade! These are a talented quintet from Oporto that, after their foundation in the now far 2010 and after various EPs and singles edited throughout the years, finally realized some months ago their debut album titled "Sun Dethroned" through Art Gates Records, a Spanish label that in 2018 produced plenty of very good albums,. Like this one.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Crisis Benoit - "Icon of Violence" (Slaughterhouse Records, 2018)

Band: Crisis Benoit
Titolo: Icon of Violence
Genere: Grindcore/Power Violence con influenze Black Metal
Durata: 13.22 min
Data di pubblicazione: 1° novembre 2018
Voto: 78/100

Ritornano finalmente su queste belle paginette i bolognesi Crisis Benoit, cioè due folli fratellini che ho visto all'opera all'ultimo Go! Fest. Dopo aver pubblicato il live report del festival più violento di Roma, il loro cantante/batterista, che tempo fa mi ha fatto i complimenti per la mia storia del proto-speed/thrash metal pubblicata sulla 'zine, mi chiese l'amicizia su FB. Dopo un po', abbiamo chattato e sono venuto a sapere che era appena uscito il loro nuovo album "Icon of Violence", e io non potevo di certo esimermi dallo scriverne una recensione, anche perché l'etichetta che l'ha rilasciato, la milanese Slaughterhouse Records, è già passata di qui facendosi conoscere per dei bei dischi.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

QUESTA E' ROMA (Rome, 12th January 2019)

Nome festival: Questa E' Roma
Data: 12 gennaio 2019
Locale: Strike SPA
Ingresso: 8 €

Ero ridotto quasi a uno straccio. Ma, nonostante io avessi mal di gola e raffreddore e nonostante un freddo polare artico, sono andato lo stesso allo Strike per il Questa E' Roma, un appuntamento annuale all'insegna dell'hardcore punk e affini a cui non potevo assolutamente mancare. Insomma, anche quando sto male, dico fregacazzi e vado comunque a queste manifestazioni!
Quindi, due palchi (uno dei quali in una sala enorme), tanta bella gente da tutta Italia, birra a fiumi, tanti amici, tanti bei gruppi (ben 18) e un pogo talmente violento che c'è stato anche qualche naso rotto e pure dei pugni allo stomaco a caso (che ho ricevuto pure io anche se non sono mai veramente entrato nel pit!).
Purtroppo, mi sono dovuto andare via prima per impegni personali, ergo, alla fine, sono riuscito a vedere solo 9 gruppi (qualcuno l'ho intenzionalmente saltato perché mi stavano esplodendo i timpani a forza di fare la staffetta fra i due palchi!). Ma l'importante, come sempre, è essere presente, partecipare alla causa, e supportare la scena.
Nonostante questo live report sia monco, mi è sembrato comunque giusto testimoniare di questa bellissima manifestazione, quindi cominciamo a parlare dei gruppi che ho visto per poi citare quelli a cui sono mancato.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Definite - "Your Hell" (2018)

Band: Definite
Titolo: Your Hell
Genre: Hardcore Skate Punk
Durata: 17.37 min
Data di pubblicazione: 20 giugno 2018
Voto: 75/100

Oggi si torna a parlare di un gruppo italianissimo. Però loro non suonano metal ma HC punk, ergo mi cascano perfettamente a fagiuolo perché proprio oggi c'è il noto festival HC romano Questa E' Roma, già pubblicizzato su queste pagine. I Definite (o xDefinitex) sono un giovane gruppo della Gorizia HC nato nel 2014 come one-man band guidata d xGiangix, ma ben presto sono diventati un gruppo vero e proprio. L'anno scorso, dopo qualche demo, EP e split vari, si sono autoprodotti il proprio primo album che, intitolato "Your Hell", ha una bellissima copertina tutta colorata, che è già un ottimo modo per presentare questo dischetto.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Grimorium Verum - "Opus Delusion Intravenous" (2018)

Band: Grimorium Verum
Upcoming album: Opus Delusion Intravenous
Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Rating: 72/100

Have you ever been in Bangladesh? I am asking this to you because today we'll do a short but exciting journey into the Bengal extreme metal scene through a very interesting band. It's named Grimorium Verum after the notorious magical book with the same name. The story of this band is really tormented like in few other cases: in fact, they were founded in August 2009, and in the 2018 they finally released only in the Internet 4 new songs that don't form a real demo but will be included into their upcoming debut album titled "Opus Delusion Intravenous". This means that the cover artwork that you see above belongs to that album. Anyway, before these new tracks, Grimorium Verum only participated in two compilations titled "Metal Domination Vol. 1" (2010; the first compilation of all time focused on the Bengal bands) and the more international "Luxury of Pain" (2014), contributing, in each of them, with an only number. As you see, this is a very scarce discography but, at least, this quintet played in some local festivals throughout their still young career, so they gained a good underground reputation within their country with the result to be recognized as an important extreme metal band in the South Bangladesh. But now few bullshits and let's see how these 4 songs are good!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Buckshot Facelift - "Ulcer Island" (Paragon Records, 2017)

Band: Buckshot Facelift
Title: Ulcer Island
Genre: Grindcore with many Metal and Hardcore Punk influences
Time: 40.29 min
Release Date: 14th April 2017
Rating: 78/100

Hey brutalbangers, finally this is the first review for Timpani allo Spiedo 'zine in this new year! Today I'll tell you about the 4th album of a band that started their demented career in 2004 in Huntington, New York. To say the truth, their album, "Ulcer Island", was released in 2017, but, as you know, it's never too late to discover very good productions like this one!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 TOP TEN (and one more)

Hey brutalbangers,
so, 2018 is dead and 2019 has already started its path. I have to say that 2018 has been a really nice year for this 'zine, and this for various reasons. Firstly, it's a honor that always more and more labels, bands and promoters send me regularly their productions, and this means thay my work is good. Secondly, I'm pushing to make more hardcore punk-oriented this 'zine, since I love HC punk and we don't forget that this instinctive music influenced a lot of extreme metal genres, so I don't understand why many metalheads don't still today appreciate to the HC punk. Thirdly, finally I published a bunch of live reports throughout 2018, and I have to say that I prefer the live side of the music in comparison with the studio side.
But, speaking about the studio side, 2018 has been a year with plenty of fantastic releases, so the following is my 2018 TOP TEN releases, that are in a RANDOM ORDER. Despite the 2017 TOP TEN, this new one is about many different genres in order to range from technical death metal to groove metal, but also from hardcore punk to end the list with a surprise that doesn't belongs to the classic extreme metal standards of this 'zine. And soon you will realize that that so-called "surprise" represent the extra release of this TOP TEN...
So, enjoy this article and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!