Friday, March 2, 2018

Colonnelli: the second album is out!

The second album of the Italian band Colonnelli (Italian for "Colonels", after the surname of their singer/guitarist Leonardo Colonnelli) has been released on 23rd February 2018 under their compatriot label (R)esisto Distribuzione!

Its title is "Come Dio Comanda - Canzoni di Sangue ad Alti Ottani" ("as God commands - High-Octanes Bloody Songs") and contains 10 new tracks + the raging cover of "Festa Mesta" of the well known Italian rock band Marlene Kuntz. The album was anticipated, indeed, by this cover song as a single and as a promotional video released on 22nd July 2017 (you can watch it above). In addition, the band shot a video also for the titletrack (watch it below). Special mention goes to the fact that the same Marlene Kuntz appreciated so much the version of their "Festa Mesta" by Colonnelli to publish it on their own FB page!

The musical style of Colonnelli is a bit particular because they sings completely in Italian but playing an angry thrash metal influenced not only by classics like the Metallica of "Ride the Lightning"-era" but also by more modern bands such as Gojira. As requested from their label, expect a nice review about their new album for the future months to come!

The following ones are the artwork and tracklist of the album:


1 - Intro
2 - Amleto
3 - Come dio comanda
4 - V.M. 18
5 - Sangue ad alti ottani
6 - Demoni e viscere
7 - Il blues del macellaio
8 - L'impeto del frastuono
9 - Interludio
10 - Festa Mesta
11 - Lochness

For more infos:

(R)esisto Distribuzione:

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